• Ayesha Hiba Eid Collection Volume 3 2018

    1 Set 10 Suits
    5 Desings with 2 colours.
    Fabric Details:
    Fine Quality Lawn with *Printed Shaffon and Embroidred Net Dupata 
    All Designs are with Embroidred Fronts with Printed Back and Seleves 1 Desing with Embroidred Lawn Seleves 1 with Embroidred Net Seleves 1 Desing with Embroidred Net Dupata 4 Desing With Printed Shaffon Dupata
    And Embroidred Patches for Trouser and Shirts
    Pkr Price: 3,699
    For Booking Inbox us or Call: +92-333-8985936
    Whats App/IMO: +-92-345-8970417 , +92-333-8985936
    International Shipping Charges apply

  • Ayesha hiba eid dress online 2019

    5 Designs with 2 colors 10pc set
    Printed Shirt front with Embroidrey
    Printed Back and sleeves
    Embroidered lawn sleeves
    Chiffon Printed Duppata
    Dyed and Printed Trouser
    Self Embroidered Shirts
    Box Price: 45,000
    For Booking Inbox us or Call: +92-333-8985936
    Whats App/IMO: +92-345-8970417 , +92-333-8985936
    International Shipping Charges apply



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